October 16 – November 2 / Gallery One / Brooke Van Der Linden / Lost Paradise
Opening: Wednesday October 16, 6pm to 8pm
Artist Talk: Saturday 26 October, 2pm
Chelsea Arnott, Karima Baadilla, Kaitlyn Hickey, Cindy Lien, Stephanie Nagy, Brooke Van Der Linden
Curated by Brooke Van Der Linden
Lost Paradise is a group exhibition that sets out to evoke the feeling of nostalgia. An amalgamation of romantic gestures come together to form a maximal, sickly sweet dreamscape. The feeling of nostalgia is not inherently positive or negative, we can embrace the work with a childlike glee, or be saddened by the fact that we cannot turn back the clock.
Brooke Van Der Linden
Mirror mirror (detail)
70 cm x 95 cm
Mixed media collage digitally printed onto polyester georgette