August 28 – 14 September / Gallery Two / Liam Randles-Martin / Pseudochronology
Opening: Wednesday August 28, 6pm-8pm
Artist Talk: Saturday 7 September, 2pm
Chronology places us in time.
This before that;
that after this and following,
To be in time is to be in the world,
As if caressing a four-dimensional compass.
The loss of time
Is both a rejection
And immersion
In eternity.
What is it to see the mechanism of time:
The ticking clock, the turning wheel, the rising sun,
But never observe its motion?
Never confirm its passage.
Held captive,
By a relentless déjà vu
That insistently drags us
To where we began.
Image: Liam Randles-Martin, Pseudochronology (Jacobs Reserve), 2019, slide projector, 81 colour slides, remote timer, dimensions variable